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Social Media Services

How can social media outlets help your business? People are getting their news in shorter bursts and via mediums that were unimaginable a mere few years ago. As a result, it is essential that your company develop a social media presence via Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn as well as create original content for blogs, message boards and article/press release sites. At Lucid Translations, we specialize in not only generating this social media content but also finding the widest possible audience for you and your business! Here’s a look at what we offer.

TWITTER - Twitter is the social media tool of the short attention span era! Reach your target audience with just a few key phrases!

FACEBOOK – Facebook allows you to promote your business or products to the widest possible audience. A Facebook page allows you to reach over 500 million users of this incredible social media networking site!

BLOGGING – Establish a blogging presence to keep your company and your product on people’s minds. With multiple blog posts each month, you will generate continued interest in your company!

LINKEDIN – A fantastic social media outlet that contains information about your company, LinkedIn facilitates networking opportunities that can benefit your business.

CONTESTS/PROMOTIONS/SPECIAL EVENTS – Announce to the world all your upcoming events and reach new audiences that can become valued clients!

For more information on how Lucid Translations can help promote your company through social media outlets, contact us today.
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