What we do
We will broaden your reach and assure you hit your target audience all at the same time by "hashtagging" (placing the # symbol before a word) pivotal words and phrases in your Tweets. We’ll run sample hashtags to determine which of these words and phrases are most heavily searched and present to you our results. We'll also "follow" your competitors.
We can Tweet anything you'd like—from announcing company news with a teaser (i.e. "Bob Jones named President of XYZ Technologies") to news stories relevant to your business. We’ll include a link to the news story or to an accompanying press release featuring special offers available only to followers of your Twitter account. We’ll regularly scour the Internet for those articles, but by all means, please send us anything you find as well and we'll post it immediately!
To help us further spread your name, you provide us with the specific information that can help us broaden your reach such as:
- Are there any upcoming offers we can promote on Twitter?
- Are there any new hires you’d like to report?
- Are there any news stories within your industry from local or national publications (like CNN/Fox News) that we can post links to?